35,000 USD or crypto equivalent

Some have referred to this as the greatest looking piece of artwork of all time, and it most certainly is within the world of web3 across all chains. Signed and stamped, in the 1st batch of prints the artist ever made. This is unique; the universe found perfect alignment between art and chance. Put this next to a Modigliani and find out towards which your eye drifts.

Currently in its custody, the Ruggenheim has inspected the print and verifies its excellent condition. Single owner. This is unique, a one of one.

No expense spared on the matte and frame. Museum grade glass for 99% UV protection, eco-saboteur protection, and anti-glare.

Associated NFT comes with it.

Send us an email at team@ruggenheim.org if interested.

Print with Frame
Stamp, Batch, Signature
NFT Image